Happy New Year! 2016 was a busy year… here’s to more quilting in 2017!

Well, last year’s resolution to post more in my quilt blog tapered off as we hit mid year….  will work harder at posting in 2017.

Since my last post of the Camp Abenaki Quilt retreat I had a retreat at Jay Peak where I worked on more drunkard’s path type blocks as part of the Michael Miller challenge – this was the finished product called Sunrise / Moonrise – very different than my normal quilting style but I have been trying different things out..

Sunrise / Moonrise






After finishing the Holiday Rush of customer quilts I have been working on decreasing my UQOs (Un Quilted Objects…)  I have quilted 8 of my older tops and the latest Yankee Pride Mystery – now to get the bindings on… will post pictures once they are completed with bindings.

I have also started working on my show quilt for 2017 – a bit behind schedule and will be working hard to get it completed before the end of January – here’s a sneak peak:

Very much a work in progress at this point….