Happy Holidays and Merry Quilting!

Fold'n Stitch Wreath

Fold’n Stitch Wreath

2015 has been a crazy year of transitions for me and a great year of quilting!

My business continues to grow and I want to thank all of my clients for their support!

Now that I am quilting full time I have been able to wipe out the ongoing backlog and can now have much better turn-around times for jobs that are brought to me which I very much enjoy (and so do my clients!)

Looking forward to 2016, I already have many quilting related plans, more classes at MQX (Machine Quilter’s Expo) in April.  Spring retreats, etc.

With virtually no backlog I have had some time to play with my own projects!  The photo in this post is the popular Fold’n Stitch Wreath which I saw on many quilt group pages and I just had to try making one for the holidays –

so… as 2015 winds down – Happy Holidays to all and Merry Quilting to you!!