Update on Quilt in Progress

I have been spending time figuring out how to make the blocks for a quilt that I will be using for a show quilt for 2016 – I could have gone with Lemoyne starts on the main block but the alternate block would not have easily worked that way so I tried making the same pattern with flying geese blocks and it looks like it will work very well..

Here are the 2 main block patterns for the quilt:2016 show quilt sample blocks these are sample blocks –

My quilt will be a 2-color quilt with red batiks on a dark blue background. (The quilt has 100 of the blocks on the left and 25 of the blocks on the right.)




Below are my fabrics all cut out and ready to go to fall quilt retreats with me it will be very time consuming as there are 500 flying geese blocks in this quilt!  So I will probably only have to bring this one project to work on the whole time!  (Thank-you Deb Tucker for creating the Wing Clipper ruler – I will be a pro by the time these are done!)2016 show quilt fabrics cut

My next post on this project won’t be until October at fall retreat…  stay tuned!